Top Ten Interesting Questions I've been Asked On Job Applications (No kidding)
10. Why are manhole covers round?
Are you serious?? Everyone knows manhole covers are round because they roll faster down the street. And what does this have to do with this job??
9. Of all of the politicians out there, what percentage do you find honest?
I'd have to say 100%...but that's just me.
8. Please list your emergency contact.
Emergency contact? Really? What plans do you have for me during our interview??
7. How many planes are currently flying over Colorado?
Ten. No twelve. Yes, twelve planes. (7 over Texas, 18 over New York, and 3 over Maine)
6. If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be? Why?
Kumquats, because I giggle every time I hear and say that word.
5. What do you believe is the percentage of the U.S. population that cheats when they fill out their federal tax returns?
ALLLLLLLL of you sons of bitches! No really, maybe 89%.
4. If you could be a super hero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
That superpower that turns water to wine, duh.
3. Are you on food stamps?
2. What is your opinion of Mickey Mouse?
Well, for a mouse I find him to be pleasant...ears are a bit big. Wait, Mickey Mouse? WHY the hell am I answering a question about Mickey Mouse on a job app??
And the #1 interesting question I have had to answer while filling out job applications...
1. Is your college GPA reflective of your potential?
WHAT??? words.
I would hire you...