Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's like finally jumping off the diving board...

Hello there! Come on in…may I offer you a drink? Water, wine, beer…?? Oh, let me introduce myself. My name is Patience. Yup, real name and yes it IS a hard name to live up to! (Especially when calling to complain about something and they ask for my name I sheepishly reply, “Patience.”)
Thanks for checking out my new project…I need a new project like a hole in my head is probably what my Gma is going to say if she reads this. She’s probably right. My new project…er…blog is mainly to keep my friends and family informed in what’s going on in my ‘unboring’ life. The Umbrella Diaries came about when my friend suggested I blog. (Will not name names but her name rhymes with Pangela)  “I WHAT??” I thought. “GROSS!” Little did I know, Pangela has magical powers and pushed that ball into motion… now…I blog. Blogger McBloggerson. Thanks Pangela! I Plove you!

I have always wanted to write a book (and be a writer for SNL). I thought I could write a book of all of my adventures from when I lived in Oregon and appropriately call it The Umbrella Diaries. Okay, let’s start small with a blog and work our way up to a book…that will work! So, naturally I ask my sister what she thought of the idea. (Once again, please don’t ask me for her name..but it DOES rhyme with Pafferty OR Porgan…depends on if you call her by her first or middle name..I PLove you Porgan!) “Love it!” she said, via text. She told me just to do it and do it right away or I’d talk and think myself out of it. Okay…I have been thinking about it and it’s taken me a while to write this first blog. I’m nervous! You know that saying that refers to coming out of your shell?? Well, hopefully this blog will allow me to do just that. I stay in/under my shell…under my umbrella, a lot. With a lot of nerve, a little encouragement from my loved ones, and a few drinks…I should be able to leave my umbrella behind and enjoy the rain! Wait, there’s no rain in Texas. Crap. Well, I’ll think of something…and while I do, enjoy my blog. I would love your comments and feedback as I am sooooo green to this.

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